Save water build the future..!

Mr.Tarek Mira Was the founder of Mira universal Trading He had been a well-known name in the irrigation & agriculture field for more than 35 years. His unwavering reputation for quality and integrity are values that profoundly shaped the way in which we conduct our business operation nowadays
He Worked in and with prestigious companies in the irrigation field untill establishing Bermad Middle East where he collected the agency of the world’s largest irrigation manufacturers’ As well as, being a Board Member of the unity of Agricultural Engineering Studies and Technical Consultancy, Faculty of Agriculture
- Participation at Plastro Gvat seminar 1994
- Egyptian practical agricultural Training course May 27-June 17, 1994
- Certificate of Training from BERMAD Control valves Feb. 1995
- Participation at BERMAD international seminar Feb. 1995
- Certificate of Training from AMIAD Filtration system March 1996
- Certificate of Training from BERMAD Control valves Dec. 1998 on Petroleum industry
- Certificate of Training from ARI Feb. 2000 on Air control in fluid transmission systemsw
A long and bright record of accomplishments that no lines will suffice to list we will always follow in his footsteps he drew and established in this field, and it will be the guidence light for us in the path of work and success